Once you graduate and exceed the grace period on your college loan, it becomes bad credit. Even if you have started to pay it back and you have not completed the process, few other lenders will touch you without some form of consolidation. So, the ball is in your court; what you make of it is what you make of it.
You should not be afraid to take a college loan because you wonder if it could become bad credit. Of course it can become bad credit, and of course it could also set you up for life. You know what you need the education for, and you know it can be all that gives you the chance of getting out of the slums in which you grew.
Beware bad credit when taking a college loan. You don't know if you will get a job, or how soon even though you should, with a college degree and all. However, you may have to devote the first couple of years of your working life to pay off what you owe. The future is too delicate to approach it with too much debt on your neck.
When you really are ready for your college education, you should try online for your college loan. There is no reason at all to start trudging all over the place seeking credit when it is all available on the internet. If all your credentials as for real, you can conclude the entire business in a matter of days, and with little stress on your part.
You have just gotten your admission letter into the college of your choice, and you have just been out partying with your friends. All of a sudden it hits you as you crawl into bed, unable to catch a wink of sleep. You don't have the funds to get yourself through college! What you need is a college loan; and since you have access to the internet, get right to it online.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
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